Uses of Class

Packages that use SeriesRepresentation

Uses of SeriesRepresentation in org.ascape.util.vis

Methods in org.ascape.util.vis that return SeriesRepresentation
 SeriesRepresentation DataViewSelection.getSelectedSeriesView(int index)
          Return the seriesView for the selected series at the supplied index.
 SeriesRepresentation DataViewSelection.getSeriesView(int index)
          Return the seriesView for the series at the supplied index.
 SeriesRepresentation DataViewSelection.getSeriesView(java.lang.String name)
          Return the seriesView for the series with the given name in the data group.

Methods in org.ascape.util.vis with parameters of type SeriesRepresentation
 void DataViewSelection.setSelectedSeriesView(int index, SeriesRepresentation seriesView)
          Sets the seriesView for the selected series at the supplied index to the supplied seriesView.
 void DataViewSelection.setSeriesView(java.lang.String name, SeriesRepresentation seriesView)
          Sets the seriesView for the named series to the supplied seriesView.

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