Uses of Class

Packages that use AscapeObject

Uses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.ant.test

Subclasses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.ant.test
 class AllOutputViewTest.TestAgent

Uses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.gis.model

Subclasses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.gis.model
 class MapAgent
 class ScapeTime
          A scape that is aware of time.
 class SubGraphAgent
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Uses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.model

Subclasses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.model
 class Agent
          The base class for all modeled objects in ascape.
 class Cell
          The base class for all members of lattices.
 class CellOccupant
          An occupant of a cell within a lattice.
 class HostCell
          An cell capable fo serving as a 'home' for agents.
 class LocatedAgent
          An agent that has a location in continuous space.
 class MomentumAgent
          An agent that has momentum and heading in space.
 class Scape
          The base class for all collections of agents within ascape.

Uses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.model.rule

Subclasses of AscapeObject in org.ascape.model.rule
 class CollectStats
          A rule for gathering values (typically aggegate statistics) from the entire population of agents.
 class Diffusion
          A rule causing some agent value to diffuse to its neighbors.
 class ExecuteThenUpdate
          A rule that should be executed in two phases; executing (calculating), and then updating.
 class MoveRandomWithin
          A rule causing the taget agent to move to a random location within some bounded area.
 class NotifyViews
          A rule causing the target to notify its views that an update has occured.
 class NotifyViewsEvent
          The Class NotifyViewsEvent.
 class ParameterizedDiffusion
          A rule causing some agent value to diffuse to its neighbors at a particualar constant.
 class Propogate
          A rule that executes on the target scape, all children of the target scape, and (if desired) all members of this or any children of the target scape.
 class PropogateScapeOnly
          A rule that executes on the target scape, and any member scapes of the target scape.
 class Rule
          An abstract base class for behaviors that can be be iterated across agent scapes or a single agent.
 class SearchRule
          A rule that can be used to search through a collection of agents.
 class SetValues
          A rule for setting values for a population of agents.

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